A 79-year-old man in Indiana is accused of killing his 76-year-old wife with a hammer.
He reportedly called 911 himself after the alleged attack, telling the dispatcher, “There’s been some violence.”
Terry Ogle called 911 on January 17th to report that his wife, Mary Ogle, was dead.
According to court records, he told the dispatcher that he “did it,” that his wife was “deceased,” and that she had been “down for a while.” When the dispatcher asked if he wanted to try CPR, he said it was “too late.”
When police arrived at the house, they found Mary Ogle lying on her back, covered with a blanket, with a head injury.
She was pronounced dead at the scene. Terry Ogle was also bleeding, apparently from a cut on his wrist that he had given himself. He was taken to the hospital while in police custody. He has been charged with murder.
Court records say that Ogle openly talked about the crime, admitting to hitting his wife with a hammer. He reportedly said he had been depressed and that he “just lost it” because he thought she was having an affair.
He also reportedly sent a text message to his daughter saying, “I’m going to jail. I killed Mary.”
Both Terry and Mary Ogle worked in education. A police spokesperson called the incident “tragic” and “heartbreaking.”