Mother refuses to seek help for her 9-month-old child, who suffered broken bones, a black eye, and other unexplained injuries. Police arrived and took action

An Ohio mother has been arrested after her 9-month-old baby was found with serious injuries, including broken bones and a black eye.

Officials say the mother ignored doctors’ advice to take the baby to a specialized hospital for proper care.

The injuries, which happened over several days, were discovered when paramedics brought the baby to Southern Ohio Medical Center. From there, the baby was transferred to Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, where experts in child abuse examined them.

On Friday, detectives went to the mother’s home on Rhodes Avenue in New Boston. They spoke with the mother, 30-year-old Kayla Siearra Williams, and others in the house. Investigators found out that some of the baby’s injuries were as old as 10 days, while others were just a few days old.

Earlier that day, Williams had taken the baby to King’s Daughter Medical Center, where doctors told her to take the baby immediately to Nationwide Children’s Hospital. But authorities say she didn’t follow these instructions. When she didn’t show up, the hospital alerted Child Services, which led to the investigation and her arrest.

The sheriff hasn’t shared details about how the injuries happened or the baby’s gender. Two other children were also removed from the home by Child Services.

Williams is facing several charges, including child endangerment. She is in jail with a $350,000 bond and was reportedly smirking in her mugshot.

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